
We are an open source foundation dedicated to building a fair, open and transparent decentralized web. We are a community of developers, builders, dreamers, and companies organized around the Hashgraph - a revolutionary leaderless algorithm that is changing the very definition of what is possible in the decentralized web.

What is the Hashgraph?

The Hashgraph is a novel solution to a well known computer science problem known as the Byzantine Generals problem. Byzantine Generals refers to a class of problems that arise in distributed computing where multiple independent computers (known as "nodes") need to coordinate and all come to consensus on some question. Solutions to this problem are known as Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT). The most secure solutions are known as Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant (ABFT). A less secure subset are known as Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant (PBFT) and are known as "practical" because, before Hashgraph, there were no known high performance ABFT implementations. Thus, "practical" solutions were devised that, while less secure, worked well in a controlled, centralized environment.

The Hashgraph algorithm completely changed the game. It is now possible to implement the most secure networks using ABFT consensus with incredible performance characteristics. The Hashgraph made ABFT practical for an incredibly wide range of applications.

Distributed consensus is the heart of the problem that must be solved by all blockchains. A leaderless, ABFT consensus algorithm fundamentally solves numerous problems with Proof-of-Work and other consensus algorithms. It is fast, fair, secure, and mathematically proven to reach consensus with 2/3 of all nodes being honest in the network.

What is Hashgraph Ledger?

A full ledger requires some of each type of node. A ledger must have Consensus Nodes to process transactions. It must have block nodes so the blockchain data can be saved. It must have Mirror Nodes for querying historical information on the chain. In addition, a ledger may have an Ethereum RPC Relay, which is a node that implements the Ethereum JSON-RPC APIs, essentially allowing the Hashgraph ledger to look like an Ethereum node to standard Ethereum applications and wallets, like MetaMask.